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The most direct way you can contact me is via Hibot3000#8781 on Discord or at [email protected].


My YouTube channels. It's possible that you found my website through these, in which case, please subscr ibe


My Steam account. I don't do much of anything on there, but if you're interested in what other games I play, this is where to look.

Blockland: Hibot3000 (BLID: 217947)

This is my Blockland account, plus BLID. If you see this, maybe with clan tags, then you're in a server with me. Feel free to say hi!

Minecraft: Hibot3000

This is my Minecraft account. While I don't have NameMC linked, I do regularly update my skin on there.

If you find a potential account of mine in places not listed here, either I have abandoned the account for the foreseeable future and it should be discarded, or that account is not mine.
Do report some of these to me, however. I might take action against these accounts.