All of my WADs are confirmed to work on GZDoom 3.2.5, as that's the one I use by default. GZDoom 4 and up probably works, but there's no guarantee.You have a nice ass!
Operation: Leopard Destroyer OLDer: German Democratic Rascality My first and only advertised WAD, along with its expansion/sequel. I removed the trailer for it in anticipation of another WAD, but that never came.
here be the bad ones, also the unfinished
peniswart.wad My first ever WAD, developed in early 2018 with help from Shitford. It is not exactly the same as the one I originally made, as the MAP02 music is different in this version.
fuck knows wad.wad My first proper(?) WAD. Also probably developed with help from Shitford.
Neutralize the Base: NeutralizeBase.wad NBase2.wad NBaseG.wad My first series of WADs. They are terrible, NBase2 is the only one worth playing. This is also probably the first time I had no training wheels on.
BlokoDOOM2.wad A sound WAD that I wanted to expand into graphics. It's decent?
tcspider.wad A shitty meme WAD. I'm surprised how well it was received among the Elites, although it might've been funnier back in September 2018.
omeganips.wad Unfinished. I didn't know where to go from MAP01 on.
GUN GODZ Tech Demo An unfinished Doom port of Vlambeer's Gun Godz. Never got further than music and some butchered graphics.
pissin.wad Another sound WAD. This time the sounds come from the legendary Hitler Indian Thriller video.
Plotse Indringers bij Slochteren One of two WADs I made that's entirely in Dutch. I don't know why I chose Slochteren, it could've just as well been Scheveningen. Ach, nou ja.
Global Anomaly This was supposed to be the prequel to OLDer, but I reached a dead end. Feel free to play it in all its unfinished glory. Co-written by Shitford.
Koningsdag.wad This is the other one. It's not bad, but the end is really stupid.
help.wad death comes to us all