File Directory/Programs

Technically, you can find a lot of my programs on Scratch, but that hardly counts as programming.
My first major Python program, which got me a 95% score in my second year programming class from high school.
Runs on Python 2.

Protoidic Translator
A transcriber for Protoidic script that I whipped up in preparation for my study. Installing Python 3 was a lucky guess.
Runs on Python 3.

Windows XP VBScripts
The many, many pseudo-virus MsgBox VBScript programs I wrote when I was an insolent child. One has a modified date of 2022 because it contained my real name.
Written in VBScript (obviously).

Strip Mining Tax Calculator (taxcalc)
A tax calculator I created for the Commonwealth of Sereda's new tax amendment, with the help of President NyetTuberNL.
Runs on Python 3.
IMPORTANT: taxcalc.exe does not contain any malware whatsoever.
Pyinstaller often triggers false positives on antivirus programs and the malware detected changes depending on the vendor.
Ignore these warnings, because I do not and will not deliberately distribute malware.